Friday, March 5, 2010


just to clear up some confusion,
i am NOT the bassist in the group
Naked Lunch or the affiliated group
Calypso and the Big whiskey. Jamming
occurs but that is it. Do NOT
approach me with information that you wish for
those bands thank you.
They are looking for a bassist still
please speak with them about it.
Thank you.


Monday, March 1, 2010


(humm.. seems to be a lot coming out all at once, odd, but nice. once again.. oddly poetic.. )

crow, in my hole again
caw so familiar
it makes amends

black wings unfurl
soul stuck
between world

(it makes amends, to it's own soul)

such a task
removing flesh
saving bone

(it makes amends, try to be whole)

aid all those
whose gratitude
will never show

(it makes amends, filling it's holes)

strange company
it keeps
to save from being alone


(this piece may be incorporated into a painting......)

Enjoy Your Soul

(my writing has seemed to take an interesting turn.. and truly, i feel it's becoming more like poetry... humm..)

The assumptions
you make of me
pass though

barely clinging
your impressions
of what i could be

some sweet thing
innocent being
that shall set you free

i shall destroy you
don't forget
i'll slice your heart to shards

all the little bits
of you

tear it
the piece, whole

tear it
i enjoy your soul

me, so innocent
me, so gentle
little did you know
the pile of bone
only grows
