Sunday, August 9, 2009

I forgot

I forgot
It's just Sex
I forgot
It's only Lust
I forgot
There is a reason why
I never Trust

This fleeting heart of mine
moves so fast
I can't see any sign
of where it goes
till it's too late
the Damage is done
another Mistake

I should Sever
the strings
to this beating
ensure it's Demise
before it Blinds my eyes

I forgot
You've been Everywhere
I forgot
I'm the one who chooses with Care
I Forgot
that I can just be added to the Pile
I forgot
how quickly it All
get's Destroyed

such difficult things
the Emotions are
life would be so much Easier
if I could just
Watch from Afar
stay away and Pretend
that I had Never thought of You
as more then a Friend

I should Freeze
this Thing
pumping my Vitality
Stop it's flow
so Finally
No Emotions would show

I forgot
what this Heart can do
I forgot
for this to Work
that You Need One Too
I forgot
how much it can mean
I forgot
How Much Pain I can Take


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